Thursday, February 26, 2015

43rd time the charm?

I can't tell you how many times I've started blogging. In highschool, I had a blog, I can't even remember what the name was, but I wish I could find it so I could laugh at myself. 15 year old me makes 25 year old me look like I have my shit together.

In the midst of being engaged and planning a wedding I started a blog, I tried to make it enjoyable for others to read and hoped it would take off. 35 posts and still no focus later, that was done.

I tend to lose interest in things easy and trying to blog to a certain audience will quickly become more boring than the 6 o'clock news. Here I am again. Really just here to ramble and have something to come back to when my memory fails to remind me that life isn't nearly as bad as I complain about.

I guess I should introduce myself...

My name is Megan. I'm 25 years old, finally almost finished with an associates degree in Dental Assisting, 7 years post high-school.Kids that I babysat have literally graduated with Nursing degrees before I've finished a 2 year program. I married the craziest person I know at 23 and he puts up with me so I'll keep him around. I have a dog who is my child and don't know when I plan to have kids of my own. I could go on for pages about my backstory and the hot mess that is my life, but I'll spare you the details.

25. Oh, bittersweet, 25.

10 years ago, if you'd asked me where I thought I'd be at 25 I would have told you married to my high school sweetheart and in my residency at MUSC as a physicians assistant. I just knew I was going to succeed with plan A. Cut and dry, no questions asked. I graduated a year early at 17 and enrolled in USC with nearly a full ride in scholarships and grants. One semester and a 2.5 GPA later, things weren't looking quite as black and white as I had planned them to be. But I was 18, who cared? I didn't give a damn about politics, gas prices or responsibility, I had my whole life to live. 18 year old 2.5 GPA Megan quickly turned into college drop out 19 year old Megan. That's when I decided that having a social life and making memories was well worth a job at a tanning salon and painting my name all over every college bar in Columbia.

That's when I met Steven.

I'll save the details of that for some other time, but 3 years into our relationship pre-engagement, I finally decided running a 1 person call center for the rest of my life didn't seem so glamorous. I re-enrolled in college, part-time of course because at this point I had to work to pay my bills, and started the chapter of this bat-shit crazy book.

It's taken me 3 years since, to get where I am now. Don't get me wrong, I've accomplished a lot and I am proud of myself. I hit the ol' 25 mark 5 months ago and I can't help but think, why the HELL didn't i listen to the advice people gave me. I have made amazing friends and found the person who I can deal with for the rest of my life, my dog is pretty damn cool, and I wouldn't change any of that...but I often wonder, if given the chance to go back in time, would I? Well clearly, we're a few iphones away from time travel and that's not possible.

So this is it. My guide to 25.
The ups, the downs, how to deal with irrelevant drama, that by the way, doesn't "stay" in highschool, Basically how to turn life's quarter-life crisis lemons into a nice tall glass of "I told you so dumbass" lemonade.

Bottoms up!


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